Checking-in with your North Star

 “We can always begin again.”  Sharon Salzberg

I was lucky enough to start the new year off with a weekend retreat allowing me to disconnect with the outside noise of the world and reconnect with my inner, wise, intuitive, Self through meditation practice, silence, and visioning for the new year. Like so many of us, I set forth into the month of January with intentions and practices to support a continued connection with this underlying voice that sometimes lays dormant, sometimes becomes a whisper, and sometimes rings through loud and clear.

So here we are, one month into the new year, just days from transitioning to February. Let’s take a deep breath, exhale, and check in with where we are at. Let’s come back into presencing our wisdom and inner voice that has been asking to be attended and attuned to and see what might be needed for reconnection and guidance on our paths forward.


Did you set intentions for the year? Resolutions? Goals? We will call these your North Star. Where has your energy and focus been placed this past month? Are there areas in your life that have pulled you off course asking for redirection? There usually are, and that’s ok! No need to beat yourself up. See if you can ask your inner critic to take a step back so that you can ask the part of you that went off the rails what it wants you to know, and what is it needing from you now?


Take some time with the spirit of curiosity and exploration to identify what obstacles presented themselves and what is needed to come back to your North Star.  Here are some questions that can support you in this process:


  • What inner obstacles arise when I move towards my intended vision, intention, goal, or resolution? What parts of me have concerns about this? What do they need for me to stay conscious, focus, or committed?

  • What outer obstacles or external factors have been put forth in my path creating unseen challenges? What is needed to tend to both of them, and my North Star?

  • Given these obstacles and honoring what is needed, do I need to make realistic adjustments to my vision, intention, goal, or plan?

  • What practices have supported me so far? What would I like to continue?

  • Do I need to identify new practices to help guide me towards my North Star?

  • How am I supporting the path to my North Star each day?


The more that you can be in connection with, listen to, and lead from your Self, the better you can honestly relate to your obstacles and desires. Is there one adjustment that you can make moving forward? Is there one practice you can commit to continuing, or identify starting to support you on your path?


Over the years, I have found that if I don’t prioritize attending to my inner world and voice, it becomes much harder to hear. And it is always present and available if we take the time to listen. What will help you listen?

Morning meditation? Journaling? A walk-in nature? Embodied dance or movement practices? Connecting with cherished and trusting friends who can reflect your truth and goodness? A prayer or scripture? A daily tarot card pull? A daily affirmation or gratitude practice? A simple daily ritual that connects you back to yourself and the Sacred? A post-it reminder on your mirror? Find what works for you and start with one practice. Offer yourself the gift of self-connection and direction, being your own compass guiding you towards your North Star.





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